Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party
Pete’s excited to host a pizza party, serving his favorite topping—pepperoni. But then his friends come over and add their own toppings to the pizza. Will Pete’s perfect pizza be ruined? There’s only one way to find out!
A Guide to Reading Aloud to Your Child
- Find a comfortable space to read together.
- Slow down and enjoy the illustrations.
- Ask and answer questions together.
- Make reading part of your routine - bedtime is a great time for reading.
- Use these prompts to encourage deeper thinking with your children: "Tell me more, why do you think that?" "How do you know that?" "Interesting, did you notice anything else?"
Phonemic Awareness
When introducing the book, share the title and notice these phonemic elements:
The first letter of the word “Pete” is Pp. This letter says the sound /p/, /p/, /p/, like in park, paint, and penguin. Let’s say that sound together: /p/, /p/, /p/. Point to the Pp in the title. Read the title together, emphasizing the sound /p/.
Ask the children to say the word after you. Show them the cover of the book and have them read the word out loud with you as you point under each word.
invited : ask in a polite way to come somewhere or do something
arrived : to reach a certain place
agree : to have the same opinion or feel the same way
puzzled : confused
courage : the ability to face fear or danger; bravery
dynamite : wonderful; outstanding
Questions to Discuss
What does Pete love? What's his idea for what he could do?
What kind of pizza does Pete love? Do his friends agree? What things do they add to the pizza?
How do the animals in the story feel when thrying the new kinds of pizzas?
How did the characters change throughout the story?
What does Pete think is the best pizza at the end? Who do you enjoy being with?
Would you like to try Pete and the gang's pizza? Why or why not?
Let's Play
This activity will help your child make connections to the text, which helps children improve comprehension.
Draw your perfect pizza! Get a piece of paper, draw a big circle. Then add your own ingredients by drawing and coloring the circle to look like your perfect pizza.
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