Last Stop on Market Street
Every Sunday after church, CJ and his grandma ride the bus across town. But today, CJ wonders why their lives are different from his friend Colby and the older boys on the bus. Each question is met with an encouraging answer from grandma, who helps him see the beauty of the world around them.
A Guide to Reading Aloud to Your Child
- Find a comfortable space to read together.
- Slow down and enjoy the illustrations.
- Ask and answer questions together.
- Make reading part of your routine - bedtime is a great time for reading.
- Use these prompts to encourage deeper thinking with your children: "Tell me more, why do you think that?" "How do you know that?" "Interesting, did you notice anything else?"
Phonemic Awareness
When introducing the book, share the title and notice these phonemic elements:
The first letter of the word “Market” is Mm. This letter says the sound /m/, /m/, /m/, like in milk, monkey, and money. Let’s say that sound together: /m/, /m/, /m/. Point to the Mm in the title. Read the title together, emphasizing the sound /m/.
Ask the children to say the word after you. Show them the cover of the book and have them read the word out loud with you as you point under each word.
pool : to collect into a pool of liquid
patter : to make a series of quick, light tapping sounds
zip : to move or act quickly with energy
lurch : to move suddenly or unsteadily
pluck : to grab with the fingers and pull off
swirl : to move around in a spinning motion
slice : to divide into slices
Questions to Discuss
How do you know this book is set in an urban (city) setting? How is the setting different or the same as where you live?
Why do you think CH's grandmother takes him on the bus every Sunday instead of taking a car?
What is the difference between wanting something and needing something?
How does CJ's attitude change throughout the story?
What does CJ's grandmother mean when she says, "Sometimes when you're surrounded by dirt, CH, you're a better witness for what's beautiful"?
Talk about a time when you have wanted what someone else has.
How does CJ's grandmother help him see the beauty and fun in their routine?
Let's Play
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