A small boy and a big friendly bear embark on a berry-picking extravaganza, looking for blueberries, blackberries, and strawberries. Their fun adventure comes to a finale under a starry sky.
A Guide to Reading Aloud to Your Child
Read with fun in your voice.
Build vocabulary by focusing on and talking about new words.
Connect the story to your child's world.
Ask your child questions about the book and encourage them to ask questions.
Make reading part of your everyday routine.
When you read the words, whenever possible, act them out too!
Hold the book so your child can see the pictures.
Make the plot come alive by discussing the illustrations.
Reading Everywhere!
Make text come alive around your home by using a sticky note, index card, or extra piece of paper to label jam.
Hang the label near a refrigerator and discuss the letters and their meaning with your child. Labeling helps children learn that letters come together to make words and creates a print rich environment in your home.
Pre-Reading Building Block
This book teaches us to have fun with language! Many of the words end in “berry.” Just for fun, call your child by their name and add “berry” to the end. You can do this with different objects:
● Time for your bathberry!
● Go to bedberry.
● We are going to go in the carberry.
Let's Play
On each page the bear and boy have their hats, but they aren’t always wearing them. Can your child find the hats in each picture? Are there other animals wearing hats, too? With your child, find the hats, even when they are hiding in the shadows. Work on counting skills by pointing to each hat and counting each one.
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